The design inspiration for my art gallery was based on designing a building that relates to the surrounding site. The key site factors that have influenced my design are the two churches located at both ends of the site, as well as the three roads that are situated around the site. The incorporation of linking the two churches was by creating a public pathway that allows the public to traverse between the two, as well as view the art work on the way through. The three roads that surround the site are a unique factor that I wanted to incorporate by having the entrance to the gallery space in the center of the site where the roads intersect.
The overall concept for my design was based on the design process of an architect.
Parasitic Architecture: The reason that I have made my room parasitic is to continue the idea of architectural design, the main idea is that architecture aims to add to its surroundings and is based on growth, therefore having a space that is growing from something that is quite blank allows for the design to give something back to its surroundings.
The Form: The form of the room that I have created stems from the idea that when designing, architects come up with many different concepts they then need to refine to result in a final design. The overall form of my space represents this concept by having a pure shape that has been cut away from to create a new form.
Internal Scheme: The internal space of the room is intersected by black columns/beams. These are representative of architectural drawings and sketches. These elements cut through the space and outside the space portraying the way in which sketches diagrammatically represent and direct the design process. The application of these elements within the space is based on a desire for their use as functional components. The occupant may use them as supports for furniture, or moments where one might also sit directly upon them.
Windows and Openings: The main opening for this space is the large open wall that orientates the occupants view towards the city, this allows for the architect to connect with the world around him. The smaller windows that are cut out around a number of the black elements in the interior are there to remind the architect that with every line they draw they need to be able to draw a link to the world around them.
Telstra Exchange building on Kent Street Sydney, Australia.
The building houses computers that send information throughout the Sydney area, and rarely has human occupants. Due to is location and use it made for a perfect location to create an architecture studio that was isolated yet located within the heart of a city. The height of the building and the buildings around it meant that a studio could be designed that was able to look over the city around it.